Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Principal's Award for Charlie

A story based on Hansel and Gretal called Sam and Anna.
Once upon a time there was a nice mum and two kids called Sam and Anna. They were nice kids. They played in the forest. An ugly woman came and took the kids away. The woman was very mean. The woman was bad but she was just beginning to be nice really. She wanted to eat the kids. The witch wanted to eat Sam but Anna saved him from the stable. The witch wanted Anna to climb in the oven but she didn't know how to, so the witch said "Even I can get in the oven" and Anna pushed the witch into the oven. The witch died in the flames and the witch was never seen again. The kids couldn't find there way home and their mum was worried. They found a duck and it offered them a ride. They found there was a path and it was the way home. Their mum was very pleased that the kids were saved and they came home.

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