Tuesday, July 17, 2012

KOS- Keeping Ourselves Safe

 For the first two weeks of Term 3 Room 8 is learning about KOS- Keeping Ourselves Safe.  Constable Ross is going to be taking some lessons.  Today was our first lesson about  'What to do if we get lost'.  It's important to know our name, address, phone number and our mum and dad's name.  If we are lost or feel unsafe we can tell an adult we can trust like a shop keeper, a lifeguard, a policeman etc.
We watched a dvd about Brian and Sniff the Dog.  Sniff got lost in the shopping mall but remembered to not panic.  He took deep breaths and looked for a shop keeper who could help him.  The shop keeper took Sniff to the information desk.  The lady at the desk put over the loud speaker system - "The owner of a lost dog please come to pick up your dog from the information desk".  Brian was there within seconds.  He was pleased that Sniff was ok.  They decided to organise a meeting place if Sniff ever got lost again.  Sniff suggested the ice cream shop because he really wanted an ice cream.  It was really funny at the end!

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