Friday, March 26, 2010

I RESPECT.......

Today we had our assembly presentation. Mrs Bellamy was very proud of us. We had to speak up as the microphone didn't work. You can see who we respect on the classroom wall if you missed our presentation. We are looking forward to our Respect Party next Thursday. We have to dress up as someone we respect!


  1. Well Done Room 8!I really enjoyed watching
    your Assembly item.

    From Emily.

  2. Lisa (Riley's Mum)March 30, 2010 at 9:18 AM

    Hooray for Room 8! I couldn't come to assembly but Riley's dad Gerald told me all about it. I'm looking forward to seeing photo's posted of everyone dressed up on Thursday - I wonder what movie you'll all get to watch for your last day of term 1? Congratulations to you all on such a busy and successful term! See you soon. Lisa (Riley's Mum).PS - i will have to ask Mrs Bellamy to show me how to make it so you can send me a message back as I can't figure it out myself! Very tricky this fancy blogspot business.
